Why Principal U.S. High Conviction Equity Fund?   

The fund uses a disciplined strategy focused on United States (U.S.) companies with less than USD30 billion market capitalisation (U. S. smaller companies). It provides strategic long-term diversification and exposure to U.S. smaller companies that is often underrepresented in client portfolios. U.S. smaller companies are a driving force at the epicenter of growth and innovation—especially in health care, technology, and eCommerce.

Why invest with Principal?

Principal U.S. High Conviction Equity Fund works to your benefit: 



Emphasis on higher quality and liquidity reduces risk relative to passive small-cap Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) and index funds.

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Distinctive focus on investing in businesses becoming better. Emphasis is placed on companies at the forefront of innovation and disruption.



Highly experienced team with specialised small-cap expertise.


Fund Partner 

  • Principal Unit Trust Scheme Consultants

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