Cooling Off Request to Principal

1. What is cooling-off period?
Cooling-off period is the right given to investors to request for a full refund of their investment within 6 business days from the date of receipt of the successful initial investment transaction request.

2. Who is entitled to the cooling-off period?
Cooling-off is applicable to investors who are investing with Principal for the first time. The first-time investor may cancel the investment that he has made by submitting a cooling-off request to Principal within six (6) business days from the date of investment to receive a full refund of the investment into your EPF Account 1.

3. Where can you get the cooling-off period form?
The form is available at all Principal’s branches.

4. When can you get your refund upon submission of the cooling-off period form?
You will receive the refund within six (6) days from the date of receipt of the cooling-off notice by Principal and upon receipt of payment from EPF.

5. If you have invested into two funds at the same time but you would like to exercise your cooling-off period rights for only one fund. Can you?
Yes, you can exercise your cooling-off period rights for one of the funds.

6. Is cooling-off period applicable for top up/ additional investments?

7. You have existing unit trust accounts with Principal’s unit trust consultant(s); but you are investing for the first via this online platform into EPF scheme. Is cooling off period applicable for the investment on this online platform?